Respected journalist, Alison Weir, will present factual material little known in the USA regarding what is actually going on in Israel/Palestine. Ms Weir has studied the issues and actions of both sides and has traveled widely in the region, recently returning from a three-month trip throughout the West Bank. Here is what others say of her presentations:
"Ms. Weir presents a powerful, well documented view of the Middle East today. She is intelligent, careful, and critical. American policy makers would benefit greatly from hearing her first-hand observations and attempting to answer the questions she poses. This is an intellectual, thought-provoking, and worthwhile presentation."
-Thomas Campbell, Former US Senator (R-CA), Dean of Haas School of Business, University of California
"When the speech ended, Ms. Weir was met with thunderous applause, and across the room there was a widespread sense of satisfaction that someone was saying what needed to be said."
-New York Times
Alison Weir speaks widely throughout the country, including two briefings on Capitol Hill, presentations at the Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine (one of which was broadcast nationally on C-Span) and at such universities and colleges as Harvard Law School, Columbia, Stanford, Berkeley, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Vassar, the Naval Postgraduate Institute, and others. Her essays and articles have appeared in a number of books and magazines; among them the Encyclopedia on Israel-Palestine, (upcoming) The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, San Francisco Bay View newspaper, CounterPunch, and The Link.
Ms Weir is executive Director of, If Americans Knew, and has completed seven in-depth statistical studies of US media coverage of Israel-Palestine, releasing reports on the New York Times, the Associated Press, the major primetime news broadcasts, and various other news media, research that is increasingly cited by analysts on Israel-Palestine.
Donations appreciated.
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Added by FullCalendar on August 18, 2008