It was three decades ago that Victor Papanek first reminded us that, ?The only important thing about design is how it relates to people.? Not just some people, but all of humankind. Time has not diminished the importance of his ideas, quite the contrary.
Yet while this simple premise inspired and motivated designers worldwide to begin thinking about the opportunity to utilize design as a force for good and a catalyst for change, few among us have done much more than just think about it.
Why? Perhaps, faced with the oppressive forces of global competition and increased market pressures, we can?t really afford to think about the well being of every single human being? Isn?t that asking too much? And besides, is ?Responsible Design? truly ?Good Business?? And what about fun? Can our work always be ?responsible? without becoming tedious or boring? Overwhelming evidence says yes! Responsible design is not only good for business, it represents the ultimate competitive advantage!
Join me in Washington this August to learn from and be inspired by, spirited individuals and visionary companies who are outdistancing their competition through their passionate commitment to responsible design.
Hear from groundbreaking thinkers who are not only designing for the real world but changing it in surprising and remarkable ways.
Added by STHayden on August 6, 2005