Our Communicatewithinsight" training program, via the I.D.E. principles and guidelines, assists organizations to understand and connect with people within minutes vs months. Resulting in reduced stress and increased productivity for those organizations.
A step-by-step approach to connecting with people with 3 foundational practices.
Communication = The (R u M) Co Factor
RELATIONSHIP via DISC Model of Human Behaviour.Based on the DISC model of human behaviour. This module increases awareness of personality viewpoints and perspectives in order to improve relationships and minimize conflicts. The following are some of the topics covered during this module:
Learn to identify needs of others and improve relationships;
Become people smart by knowing how others act, interact and react;
Develop personal motivation;
Understand effective interaction;
Recognize the priority of others;
Understand where misunderstanding can take place; and
Know principles of effective communication.
MESSAGE via Behavioural Symptom Analysis (BSA). BSA is the study of the way in which people act, speak and behave in various circumstances. From this study, patterns of behaviour can be built up to enable predictions and deductions to be made about an individual. This analysis is useful to questioners. BSA principles guide the questioner to arrive at an informed assessment of an individual. It is also particularly valuable in helping to evaluate truth and deception. In this module, we cover the following key communication area:
Verbal element concerning the words we choose to use;
Vocal element concerning how we say those words, and
Non Verbal element concerning s the posture, gesture and movements we make with our bodies while talking, often called body language.
CONTEXT via both Cultural and/or Situational Awareness. The final key is Context, adapting and applying both DISC & BSA module within a given context or situation. This module provides valuable insights in order to learn skills and strategies for communicating across cultural, in addition to learning how culture impacts on the IDE process. This module address the following issues:
Explore the relationship between culture and communication style;
Tips for giving feedback in a culturally sensitive way;
Recognize fundamental differences between cultures and their significance;
Increase awareness of cultural perspectives and their effect on behaviour; and
Learn skills and strategies for effective communication.
TheCommunicatewithinsight" training program outline simple and immediately useable techniques and strategies to improve communication and interaction across cultures. This program empowers people to Discover, Experience and Apply behavioural principles that improve peoples interpersonal relationships and interactions. Bottom line our I.D.E. training program sensitizes people to the complex world of communication.
Communication is simple its just not easy!
Organized by JJ Communications, Inc.Improving Human Performance
Ticket Info: - 3D Basic Interview, Debriefing & Elicitation (IDE) Training Tuition, C$2,495.00
- 3D Basic Interview, Debriefing & Elicitaion (IDE) Training Tuition - Exclusive Rate for 2nd Member, C$1,495.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/277890177/upcoming