Public Review Meeting for Parks Of The Future Draft
The community is invited to a second Sunnyvale review of the strategies being developed as part of the Parks of the Future study. The purpose of this public meeting is to provide an additional opportunity to solicit comments from residents and other interested parties.
This input will help develop comments on the draft recommendations and strategies related to Sunnyvale's parks and park amenities. Focus groups and citywide surveys have already been conducted; now the City is seeking the public's assistance in the next step of this major planning effort to assess how parks and park amenities meet the needs of the community – now and into the future.
The two-hour meeting will be conducted as an ice cream social, and is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., Thursday, September 18. The meeting location is the Community Center, 550 E. Remington Drive.
For those who would like to review information prior to the meeting, or for those who cannot make the meeting but would like to provide comments, please visit the project Web site at Materials relating to the draft recommendations and strategies have been posted to this Web site. In addition, copies are available for review at the
Parks and Recreation administrative office
505 W. Olive Ave, Suite 115
Sunnyvale Public Library
Reference Section
655 W. Olive Ave.
For more information, call
(408) 730-7576
(408) 730-7501 (TDD)
Official Website:
Added by SunnyvaleRocks on September 18, 2008