844 Prosperity Farms Road
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM.
And how do you like your ice-cream? One scoop? Double scoop? Mini scoop or Mount Sinai high?
Kids ages 1 to 12 You don't need to go all the way to the desert for some dessert It's all happening right here at our Kids Ice Cream Party.
Be there when the Torah is given for the 3,324th time, Hear the Torah reading of the ten commandments while you make your own Mount Sinai with cold creamy ice-cream. Come enliven your spirit, enlighten your soul And make your mouth cold Chocolate, vanilla or cookies n cream? Sugar and spice and everything nice? Your very own creation topped off with sprinkles and your very own toppings.
May 27th 11am
Don't forget that date because you can win great prizes.
This is a free event This is a cold and creamy event!

Official Website: http://www.jewishsocial.org

Added by Jewish Social on March 23, 2012

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