66 Kensington Avenue
Toronto, Ontario

Come see art and eat the best ice cream in Toronto!

Yes, it?s a show about frozen goodness.

Opening Party
Wednesday August 17th, 7pm

Kensington Market Organic Ice Cream Shop
google map: http://tinyurl.com/796zq

Featured Artists: Anna Shipside, Kyle Reed, Jen Hsieh, Neil Collyer, Monika Melnychuk, Marco Cibola, Katy Dockrill, Carey Sookocheff, Dushan Milic, Chris Hutsul, Ryan Feeley, Blair Kelly, Marc Ngui, Aaron Leighton, Ben Shannon, Andrea Bowers, Sandra Dionisi, Magda Wojtyra, Elesavet Triantafillou and Julia Breckenreid

Added by ryanf on August 10, 2005

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