50 West 8th St
New York, New York

Join us on Mothers Day May 9, for our Ice Cream & Cookies Tour. It's Spring and we can't wait for ice cream any longer. We believe in specialization, so we'll visit 2 of the best ice cream shops, and 2 great cookie purveyors in the West Village and Chelsea. Purchases are optional.

Please visit website to register;http://walkingtoursmanhattan.com

Free NYC Dessert Fest is a monthly tour of sweet shops, either in a particular neighborhood, or by a single or pairing of desserts.

We’ll start at Insomia Cookies, where there's often a line for their Double Chocolate Chunk. Next is L'Arte del Gelato, a true gourmet gelato with a mind-boggling selection of flavors. Then Milk & Cookies Bakery, for their heavenly Peanut Butter Chocolate, and we’ll finish at Ronnybrook Farms for taste sensations like ginger creme brulee.

To help support the good work of Food Bank For New York City, a non-profit helping to feed the hungry, we ask for a $5.00 donation per person. 100% of donations go to charity.

Since December 2008 your donations have helped feed 60 New Yorkers for a month. We wish to thank all who generously donated. If you’d like to donate online, please go to Pay Pal at; http://www.paypal.com and send your contribution to; sales@walkingtoursmanhattan.com

Meet our tour guide with the red ball cap saying Walking Tours Manhattan on Sunday May 9, at 11am at Insomia Cookies, 50 West 8th Street, (bet. 5 & 6 Aves.)

Added by bruciebruce2 on April 28, 2010

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