"Working under the Icarus Himself moniker, National Beekeepers Society's Nick Whetro enters a troubled universe in his new self-titled EP. Confused characters traipse through a cold, ill-fated world, in which everything and everyone are imperfect and death rattles the bones of both the living and the dead." ISTHMUS WWW.THEDAILYPAGE.COM
"One of the things I really enjoy about Icarus Himself’s self-titled EP is one of the things that originally drew me to the Fruit Bats. Nick Whetro makes great use of macabre lyrics over music that is oftentimes soft, or at the very least unassuming. You can’t go wrong with Icarus Himself if this style tends to draw you in. This may be just a five song EP, but there’s plenty of substance to sink in." Jennifer Patton-DELUSIONS OF ADEQUECY
Official Website: http://www.ypsielbow.com
Added by nwhetro on February 17, 2008