801 California Street
Mountain View, California 94041

Just when they had the Internet figured out, big media's running scared again. The power of participatory publishing has taken the blogosphere from laughing stock to triple threat: First text blogs knocked the wind out of the press, then Yahoo bet big on photo sharing by buying Flickr, and now a mob of "vlogging" technologies is pulling eyeballs away from network and cable TV. Before you start laughing, remember that reality TV was a joke, too - until the networks noticed those glorified home movies were saving their bottom line. Video blogging looks like a replay - but this time players like Google and Yahoo are hosting the party. With its ability to reach a choice demographic without King Kong production budgets, vlogging is looking ready for prime time.

In this evening Under the Radar event, we'll showcase four companies playing in and enhancing this emerging market. They'll demo their product to a panel of influential enthusiasts who are active in this space, along with an audience of early adopter technology insiders. Both audience and experts will get a chance to beta test and offer feedback based on favorite features, areas for improvement, the ideal industry "partner" match-ups, and how best to reach out and build up their audience.


For more details and the latest speaker updates, visit http://www.ibdnetwork.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=155

Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of IBDNetwork.

Added by IBDNetwork on January 10, 2006

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