New York
New York, New York

There is no specific place for this event.

On Wednesday, June 16th, at 8 PM ET, female Crohn's and colitis patients and their loved ones can tune into a Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) interactive educational webcast/teleconference entitled, "IBD & She

“IBD & She” is a National event provided by Crohn’s & Colitis to help women overcome struggles of living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Two female physicians and Researchers in IBD come together to help women focus on managing their lives while living with IBD

The doctors will offer guidance to help women by answering audience questions during an interactive question and answer session, after covering helpful topics such as:
o Intimacy/Sex
o Fertility & Pregnancy (Including getting pregnant, being pregnant, medications, pregnancy and delivery
o Menstruation and Menopause
o Hormones and Hysterectomy
o Vitamins
o Medication interactions with other drugs including birth control
oBreast Feeding
o Coping/ Stress.

Participants may register online at no cost at or by phone at 1-877-547-5641 ext. 312.

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation offers webcasts/teleconferences on an ongoing basis for the IBD community at, typically drawing 1,500 to 2,000 patients nationwide.

Added by jenk786 on June 14, 2010

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