DJ & Turntablist DP One
Friday, March 21st
11:30pm doors
$10 ADV / $15 DOS
$5 reduced admission for Planet B-Boy film screening ticket holders.
Free IAMISEE Vs. DJ Demon CD to the First 100 people in the door
and for all advance ticket purchases.
Available at
All Ages
band site
IAMISEE is approaching post production of his 6th album "Chop Suey" and "Autobot Jazz Music", the first instrumental album in his catalog, is slated for completion by summer of 2008. IAMISEE is shopping both projects for distribution and an International tour is anticipated to follow. Regarding the release of the projects and selecting the right distributor, IAMISEE says, “…every aspect of my career, from the beats and rhymes to the album art and the packaging…I do it all. Right now the majority of my focus is on PLANET B-BOY. In addition to that and my own projects, I’m producing for several artists on major labels in Europe and contributing material to other independent film releases ("King of Kings", "Impact" [international release]). I want to make sure my albums are distributed and marketed properly to reach as many of my fans as possible.” No doubt IAMISEE will have even more eager fans with the release of this film and its title track. For more information and digital downloads on IAMISEE please visit, or contact Dana L. Pollitt at
Official Website:
Added by iamisee on March 13, 2008