1174 E. Commerce St.
San Antonio, Texas 78203

The International Academy of Design and Technology’s (IADT) top design students will showcase their fashions and graphic art at the fifth annual IMAGINE Fashion Runway Event and Art Show. The event will be held on Thursday, April 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Sunset Station in Depot One (1174 E. Commerce, 78205).

With inspirations from indie art to hip hop, the IADT student designers will rock the runway and the exhibit hall with their collections of graphic art and fashion. The Art Show will begin at 6:30 p.m., and the students’ art pieces will be available for sale at the event. The Fashion Runway Event will kick off at 7:30 p.m.

IADT will be sharing its special night with two gracious beneficiaries. Proceeds of the show will support the Career Education Scholarship Fund (CESF) and local non-profit The Kristine Meza Foundation (KMF). CESF provides need- and merit-based scholarships to qualified students who are attending one of its many participating institutions. KMF’s mission is to raise awareness in our community on the impact of domestic violence. The foundation is committed to strengthening individuals through education, compassion and courage and serving as a resource for those dealing with the physical, emotional and mental harm domestic violence can yield.

“IMAGINE signifies progress and opportunity for the creative minds of our students,” said IADT-San Antonio Campus Director Gilbert DeLeon. “This is our fifth year celebrating our school’s design talents in San Antonio, and because of their work, we have seen growth in these industries in San Antonio, regionally and beyond.”

Doors will open at 6:30 p.m., providing photo and interview opportunities. Tickets are now available for purchase. General admission tickets are $20 and VIP tickets are $35. For more details and ticket information, please visit http://imaginesa2012.eventbrite.com.

About the International Academy of Design and Technology in San Antonio

With more than 30 years as an established institution, the International Academy of Design and Technology offers students a hands-on education with experienced faculty dedicated to providing students with the necessary skills, knowledge, support and guidance to pursue fulfilling career opportunities in the design and technology fields. The San Antonio campus (IADT-San Antonio), which opened in 2005, offers degree programs in Graphic Design, Fashion Design and Merchandising, Internet Marketing, and Web Design and Development. Students also have the opportunity to take a portion of their coursework online through IADT-Online. The school is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS). ACICS is a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. Find disclosures on graduation rates, student financial obligations and more at http://www.iadt.edu/disclosures. IADT-San Antonio cannot guarantee employment or salary and is part of Career Education Corporation network of schools (NASDAQ: CECO). For more information, visit http://www.iadt.edu/San-Antonio or call (210) 530-9449.

Official Website: http://www.iadt.edu/San-Antonio

Added by Harrington College on March 14, 2012