655 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

more details at http://www.iasummit.org/

IA Summit 2006: Learning, Doing, Selling
The 2006 Information Architecture (IA) Summit is the premier gathering place for information architects. Everyone who touches on IA is welcome to share and learn. Last year?s IA Summit attracted over 400 attendees, including beginners, experienced IAs, and people in a range of related fields.

This year we'll roll up our sleeves and tackle three key areas: Learning, Doing, and Selling IA.

Learning IA: People new to IA, IA mentors, educators and researchers, as well as any IA looking to specialize in a new area of the field will be supported by sessions that focus on acquiring new IA knowledge. From introductions to IA, through evaluations of academic programs to research papers on the frontiers of IA, we plan to include them all.

Doing IA: Practicing IAs have so much to share! Tips & tricks, new ways to use old tools, IA methods, processes and deliverables, they are all welcome, as well as case studies and models or overviews of the field.

Selling IA: Whether it is by your colleagues, your manager, or your client, at some point in your career you will be asked to explain the value of your IA work. This will be the topic of several sessions in our program, and we encourage people who have been on the receiving end of these explanations to submit proposals too!

Added by peterme on October 14, 2005



Duplicate event over here: http://upcoming.org/event/36388/


anyone staying around for some time before or after? some yahoos are thinking of hitting whistler ...


Whistler is definitly on the agenda. Hints on where (not) to stay are welcome!