Tuesday, January 15, 7 p.m.
Join the I-squared International Dinner Club at a new restaurant on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. This month we will be enjoying the culinary treats of Wasabi Sushi Bar: Japanese Cuisine at 16 South Central Ave., Clayton. RSVP to Susie by the Friday before at i2reservations@gmail.com.)For more information on future dining delicacies, please visit http://www.iistl.org/young_friends_network.php or www.myspace.com/yfn_iistl.
I-squared, the Young Friends Network of the International Institute of St. Louis, supports the International Institute in its efforts to promote the value of ethnic diversity in St. Louis and the region. Join us for social networking, community service activities, and educational opportunities. Visit us on the web at http://www.iistl.org/young_friends_network.php or our MySpace page at www.myspace.com/yfn_iistl.
Official Website: http://www.iistl.org/young_friends_network.php
Added by intlinst on December 18, 2007