“I made it all the way to IPO, and all I got was this T-shirt!”
Stories and Strategies for Surviving Your Exit.
Learn from serial entrepreneurs as they share their stories and strategies to help you survive your exit.
Launching a startup is hard enough without thinking about how it’s all going to end. Is an IPO truly the optimal exit for your firm? How do you know if you are on track to make that plan succeed? What do you do when things go unexpectedly worse or better than you’d anticipated? Are there any graceful ways to bow out when you’re no longer indispensable, interested, or invested? Do you even get a say in how you exit, and how do you survive the aftermath?
Join our panelists as they talk about the best and the worst of times, and what they wish they had known the first (and second, and third …) time around.
Official Website: http://www.mitwa.org
Added by Gayle D on November 21, 2009