Seattle Sports Hypnotist Launches Fourth Annual World Hypnotism Day
(Bellevue, WA) - January 4th, 2009, is the fourth annual World Hypnotism Day
The popularity and benefits of hypnotism increases daily as we have read and heard the headlines in Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Golf, Muscle & Fitness, Consumer Reports, Shape, Readers Digest and on popular syndicated television shows. Top athletes who have used hypnosis:
Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali, Jimmy Connors, Nolan Ryan, Don Sutton, The L.A. Lakers, 2008 Gold Medalist Steve Hooker, Wayne Gretzky, The Chicago White Sox, Greg Louganis, and more.
World Hypnotism Day has proven to be one of the most impressive displays of professionalism and sharing of knowledge and skills by hypnotists around the world. Talks, interviews, workshops and articles were available around the world, all clearing the air and removing the myths and misconceptions of hypnotism while explaining the many benefits it brings.
Seattle Sports Hypnotist, Craig Sigl will be presenting a free seminar for the public on using Hypnosis for Sports and Business Performance on Sunday January 4th.
People in business and sport discover how to eliminate fears and doubts. Old programming preventing success is dissolved and new goals can actually become reality.
Craig Sigl, Hypnotist and former Fortune 500 manager, is the founder of, and is the author of Break 80 Without Practice, Golf Mental Game program, sold in 26 countries.
He has been featured at the Seattle Golf Show, Northwest Women's Show, Kirkland Reporter, Bellevue Reporter, Eastside Business Journal and numerous radio shows.
For further information or to schedule an interview call 425-457-7777. Members of the press can find more information online at
Craig gives away a free ebook there entitled: "10 Steps to Get Into The Zone"
Register for free at:
No charge and Open to the public.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 27, 2008