HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method is a program of preparing for easier, gentler, more comfortable birthing with hypnosis. This program teaches couples various techniques for relaxation and self-hypnosis, making the birth experience an enjoyable journey for all. Building confidence, staying in control, shorter labor, less fatigue and rapid postnatal recovery are just a few of the many benefits of this program.
Relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to eliminate the fear and tension that cause long labor and pain, replacing it instead with confidence, calm and comfort
Special breathing and visualization techniques to produce a shorter, more comfortable labor
The creation and control of the body's own natural anesthesia
How the mother's body is designed to work in neuro-muscular harmony with nature throughout labor
The mind-body connection and how it applies to birthing
The importance of prenatal and perinatal bonding
Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing
Eliminates or greatly reduces the need for chemical painkillers
Eliminates fatigue during labor, leaving mother fresh, awake and with energy for the actual birthing
Eliminates risk of hyperventilation from "shallow" breathing methods
Creates a more integral role for the birthing companion which promotes special bonding of mother, baby and birthing companion
More rapid postnatal recovery
$225.00. Class size is limited - Please call or email to enroll or for further information.
Official Website: http://www.hypnobirthing.com
Added by FullCalendar on October 3, 2007