with Jim Barritt.
The web has been running for many years at a truly global scale on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The architectural style of HTTP, known as Representational State Transfer (REST) has recently become popular as the basis for application protocols, aswell as the ubiquitous browser client.
This talk will showcase a simple framework called "Restfulie" based on the work of Dr. Jim Webber, Ian Robinson and Savas Parastatdis.
The framework consists of a REST client framework, and by default uses the VRaptor web framework for a backend.
The talk will demonstrate the framework using a demonstration application called "Hyper Fantasy", which is an online implementation of the classic "Fighting Fantasy" books of Steve Jackson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Warlock_of_Firetop_Mountain) which provides a convenient metaphor in terms of following links to new resources, and client-side state.
So if you are interested in finding out how to defeat a Kobold, or just want to see an interesting web client framework, then come along!
Added by Andy Robinson on September 1, 2010