707 Route 46 East
Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

He’s everybody’s favorite tough guy and we’ve got him for one night only! You hear him every day on your radio, now see him live! From Caroline’s to Mohegan Sun to the Borgata, Goumba Johnny Sialiano keeps the crowd rockin’, rowdy, and rolling in the aisles!

Tune to KTU! in the afternoons every M-F from 3pm-7pm for the “Hollywood Hamilton and Goumba Johnny” show to win free tickets to this very special show!

Also featuring a special appearance by Feature Perfomer Buda the Comedian, a hot comic on the NJ comedy scene and winner of the Bud Lite Comedy Festival and “Coors Light Comedy Battle." Buda will keep you laughing with “impressions that are dead on.
Winner of the “Bud Light Comedy Contest” and “Coors Light Comedy Battle”, Buda will keep you laughing with “impressions that are dead on.

Hyena Comedy Lounge has NO forced food or drink minimum. Purchase tickets in advance online and print them out at home for just $20. Tickets are $25 night of the show.

Visit www.hyenacomedylounge.com for tickets and information. Call 973 747-9667 with questions or to make reservations for 6 or more.

Added by leehaberman on March 12, 2010

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