No. 4 Jalan Conlay
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Topics to be Discussed at Hydro Dams Design and Constriction?

Future dam works throughout the Asian region

Global hydro dam trends that are being used to assist project stakeholders deliver projects at a reduced cost

Technical specifications required to provide the maximum wattage with the least amount of impact

Environmental impact mitigation through the design and construction period as well as on going dam usage

Best practice construction materials and technologies to maximise the lifespan of the dam and minimising the need for maintenance and repair

Minimising damages caused to local communities and resettlement plans as well as compensation strategies

Hydro Dam Proliferation throughout Asia

The Malaysian Bukan dam in Borneo which is due for completion in 2011 continues to face critizism. 12 additional dams are planned with 7 being approved across the Sarawak region.

Indonesia has 50+ mini hydro dams approved and due for construction in the coming 5 years.

Vietnam continues to prioritise renewable energy over other sources and with a growing power demand has 7 major hydropower projects in the pipeline that cost more than US$20 billion.
Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia and Laos also continue to approve hydroelectricity projects to support their growing requirement for power. With all countries having access to the largest waterway in Asia – the Mekong and its supporting rivers, hydro dams seem a viable options although much consideration needs to be given to the impact of the scale and number of developments that are planned.


Hydro Dam Design & Construction will:

• Provide a targeted view of design and construction methodology used by leading Design & Construction engineering firms for the latest hydroelectric infrastructure
• Identify the technical specifications required to provide the maximum wattage with the least amount of impact
• Discuss how to design structurally stable long lasting hydro assets
• Assess how to construct hydroelectric infrastructure that is both economically viable and developed in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way
• Outline how to mitigate structural challenges through specific design strategies

Official Website:

Added by nurshila.rahim on December 16, 2010

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