'Hush-Hush' begins, with a fishbowl on stage where audience members can come up and write their own anonymous secret(s). When the team of improvisers takes the stage, they will select one secret from the fishbowl and read it aloud for the audience to hear. This secret will be the inspiration for the show. 'Hush-Hush' is an upbeat, fast-paced and hilarious look at the choices we make and through comedy, reclaiming the secret by revealing it, providing a forum for the secret-keepers to express what they cannot tell anyone else. The improvisers will not look to make fun of the person who provided the secret. We seek to lift them up and make them the hero of our show, and what better way than through comedy? Because everyone has their own secrets, some funny and some hurtful, our target audience is anyone with a beating heart. Everyone will enjoy this show.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 19, 2009