What the heck is HurryDate, you say? It's a party where you'll meet tons of new people with the guys rotating from woman to woman every time we blow a whistle. You'll indicate on a SCOREcard whether or not you'd like to see each person you meet again...and we'll match you up!
Throw in a cool bar, great drink specials, and a fun, anything-goes vibe, and you've got yourself one hell of a night out after work! Check out www.hurrydate.com now to RSVP and to find out the full details on how it works.
Women ages 30-40; Men ages 35-45
10-15 five minute dates in one night!
Check-in at 7:00pm, HurryDating begins at 7:30pm
Please come as close to check-in time as you can so you have time to grab a drink before the HurryDating begins promptly at 7:30pm!
$2 off all drinks and free appetizers!
Directly RSVP to the 7/17 event - (click on the Non Member RSVP button):
Type in your promotion code SF627 and we'll see you on July 17th at Faz! Please pass this on to your friends.
$37.00, or register now and get 25% discount! Use Promotion Code SF627.
Official Website: http://www.hurrydate.com
Added by FullCalendar on June 19, 2007