WHEN: May 8 & 29, 2008
TEAM BRIEFING: May 8, 3:30 pm, University of Toronto
WHERE: Room 1017, Wilson Hall, 40 Willcocks St
HOW MUCH: free
Information & team pre-registration:
The University of Toronto is hosting a 2-part design charrette aimed at re-imagining the Huron and Willcocks intersection, located on its St. George campus. The University invites architects, landscape architects, designers, students, and interested community members to form design teams to participate.
On May 8th, registered teams will meet for a presentation, following which they will be given a working package of drawings and information. Submissions will be expected on May 29th, and exhibited to the university and the community at large. An honorarium will be presented to the team with the most promising ideas.
Added by cwhardwi on May 7, 2008