500 Church Street, Suite One
Huntsville, Alabama 35801

As part of its fiftieth anniversary celebration, the Huntsville Photographic Society will present an exhibition of photography consisting of pictures taken by the Masters of photography in the Society. The Convention & Visitors Bureau is hosting this event as part of The State of Alabama's "Year of The Arts". The exhibit will run from December 1-29, 2006. The hours are: Monday thru Saturday 9 - 5 pm CST and Sunday, Noon to 5 pm.

There are currently twenty Masters in the division and all are participating. The Masters are: Bryan Bacon, David Blue, Dudley Campbell, Garth Fraser, Pat Gardner, William R. Gates, Virginia Gilbert, Barry Jackson, Brenda Kinnane, Harry Kinnane, Virgil Lipscomb, Carol Bishop Miller, Pamelia Nelson, Muril Robertson, Emily Saile, Barbara Staggs, Joe Starkey, Martha Teal, Sam Tumminello and Elsabe Webster.

A Society member earns the rank of Master of Photography by competing in the Society's monthly, judged competition events. There is an assigned subject for each of the monthly events. A member earns the rank of Fellow who has placed with twenty entries during the monthly competitions. Then through award point accumulations, a Fellow is awarded the rank of Master when he or she has earned one hundred additional competition points and has had at least one public exhibition of their work.

Official Website: http://www.huntsvillephotographicsociety.org/

Added by HPS on November 30, 2006

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