Search for Cupid’s Missing Arrow
When: Saturday, February 16th at 1pm
Where: Philadelphia, PA
Cost: $30/person
Walking Event
To register, visit
Details: Love is in the air…or maybe not if Cupid’s Arrow missed you this Valentine’s Day. So ditch the tacky cards, wilted roses, and boxed candy this Valentine’s Day and give yourself (and girl, guy, single-for-a-reason friends, shouldn’t-be-a-couple-friends, love-sick friends, and everyone in between) an adventure to remember. Join Ravenchase Adventures in the search to find Cupid’s Missing Arrow throughout the streets of the City of Brotherly Love. And of course, there is always the first drink at our secret end location.
The Search for Cupid’s Missing Arrow is like a combination of the Amazing Race, DaVinci Code, and National Treasure. Our staff personally greets each group at the start of the race, explains the rules of the game, and gives each team a handmade treasure map, clues on parchment scrolls, and perhaps a cool gadget (like a black light to see clues written in invisible ink). Teams can travel in any direction they like around Philadelphia. All the answers and puzzle pieces along the course will lead them to a secret end location, where prizes are awarded to the top three teams.
Official Website:
Added by RavenchaseNorthAtlantic on January 3, 2008