Join other concerned citizens in educating the public and policymakers regarding the current status of hunger and homelessness in Arizona to kick-off
Arizona’s Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. November 16-22, 2008 Various businesses, agencies, and nonprofit organizations are working to help Arizonans and our communities.
The event includes a food drive to benefit
Desert Mission, St. Mary’s Food Bank
Alliance, and United Food Bank which
serve the Valley. Please bring a donation
of canned food!
9:00 A.M. Meet at City of Phoenix City Hall Plaza,
200 W. Washington St.
9:15 A.M. Leave City Hall
10:00 A.M. Walkers arrive at Capitol
10:15 A.M. Speakers at Capitol
Councilman Greg Stanton,City of Phoenix
Jacki Taylor,Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness
Ginny Hildebrand, Association of Arizona Food Banks
Brenda Combs, Grand Canyon University
Governor’s Proclamation
11:30 A.M. Food Donations accepted until 11:30 A.M.
Parking available at Wesley Bolin Plaza, 1700 W Washington Street.
Ride the DASH to City Hall.
Or park at Phoenix City Hall Garage at 4th Avenue and Jefferson.
Ride the DASH back to your car after the walk.
For more information contact: Amy Schwabenlender, Phone: 602.631.4841, E-mail:
Added by Central Arizona Shelter Services on October 16, 2008