CELEBRATIONWORKS presents HUMBUG, a Comedy Alternative to Traditional Holiday Shows.
Two champagne performances NEW YEARS EVE! Come early, and go to your party afterwards 7:30PM show $20. Come late and party with the writers, cast and crew afterwards. 10 PM show $25.
Six comedies by five award- winning playwrights! The Bipolar Express, (Santa needs his lithium) and Humbug by Kristine McGovern; Vampyre Holiday ( A biting comedy) by Edward Crosby Wells; On Rudolph (a sexy comedy) by Mark Ogle; Holiday Hotel, (New Year’s Eve in Baja and a UFO experience) by Carol Roper; Mel’s Hanukkah Surprise, (What has Mel’s father given him?) by Ken Crost.
Featuring:Brian Brooks, Dan Hiester, Hannah Hines, Andy Lacerte, Peter Trihn and Crystal Verdon as Elfvira.
Directed by Sarah Roshan.
6 SHOWS ONLY: Vintage Theatre, 2119 East 17th Ave, Denver, Co. 303 839 1361.
December 26, 27, 28, 31, 2008.
Fri/Sat eves @ 7:30 PM. Sat/Sun matinees @ 2:30 PM.
TICKETS: $17 Reserved in advance. $22 at the door. (Except New Year’s Eve). 303 839 1361
Vintage Theatre is a small theatre with 65 seats. Reserve early.
Official Website: http://www.vintagetheatre.com
Added by Celebrationworks on December 21, 2008