WHO: Ken Bacon and Marin Actors' Workshop presents...
WHAT: "Humble Boy"
By Charlotte Jones
Following its first theatrical production of “Death and the Maiden” in 2009, The Marin Actors’ Workshop turns to comedy with "Humble Boy."
After the sudden death of his father, Cambridge astrophysicist Felix Humble returns to his charming English countryside home where his complicated past and domineering mother unveil circumstances that are less than ideal. With humor, horticulture, honey bees and hints of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," this English import is as funny as it is touching. "Humble Boy" received the 2001 London Critics' Circle Theatre Award for "Best New Play."
Directed by Terry McGovern
WHEN: Aug. 6 to Aug. 22, 2010
8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
3 p.m. Sundays
WHERE: Novato Theater Company Playhouse,
(formerly Pacheco Playhouse)
Pacheco Plaza Shopping Center
484 Ignacio Boulevard Novato, CA 94949-6068
Free parking.
COST: $20 to $22
$22 general, $20 Seniors and students
TICKETS: To order tickets call 415-883-4498 or visit novatotheatercompany.org
PHONE: 415-883-4498
WEBSITE: http://www.novatotheatercompany.org
PROMO VIDEO: http://animoto.com/play/QZsX5VU1FwVr7nITiS1TWw
CAST: Felix Humble: Kenneth Bacon of Novato; Flora Humble: Nan Ayers of Berkeley; George Pye: Alex Ross of San Rafael; Rosie Pye: Georgia Thunes of San Rafael; Jim: Hugh Campion of Sausalito and Mercy Lott: Bliss Leigh-Harshaw of Novato.
For more information about Marin Actors' Workshop visit www.marinactorsworkshop.com
or call 415-453-8858.
Added by KimTaylorpr on July 7, 2010