30 Million People. The modern-day slave trade is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, enslaving more than 30 million individuals today. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it is the second largest criminal industry in the world (drug dealing is first.)
Combating this $32 billion dollar a year industry takes enormous effort, as well as, a large framework of diligent abolitionists. Slavery is wrapped up in almost every industry's supply chain, tainting the food we eat, the clothes we buy and the electronics we love.
Judith Hamilton will explain the issues surrounding human trafficking. Several non-profit organizations that are fighting this problem are: International Justice Mission, Hagar International and Not for Sale. She will discuss what steps you might consider to help. There will be the global status and work down to USA, California, Santa Clara Valley, and finally local occurrences in San Jose, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Saratoga.
Note: Everyone is invited to attend. This meeting is not suitable for children.
Official Website: http://www.aauw-sv-cupt.org
Added by FullCalendar on March 30, 2013