11975 Seaway Road
Gulfport, Mississippi 39503

Advocates For Freedom (AFF) is hosting a training seminar on Human Trafficking to educate and enlighten those who are concerned about and/or advocate for victims of this growing problem in our Gulf Coast community.

The Seminar will be presented by Sandra Johnson of Highpoint, North Carolina. Ms. Johnson is the founder and president of Triad Ladder of Hope Ministry. She has received extensive training in dealing with the perpetrators and victims of human trafficking and now, largely at her own expense, travels the country training other individuals and organizations to be able to recognize and stop this insidious form of modern-day slavery.

This training will be very beneficial to law enforcement, women’s groups, immigration groups, and other advocacy organizations that deal with victims of exploitation.

Please RSVP by August 9th to Susie Harvill at affstopht@gmail.com

Free to attend, but RSVP is required.

Advocates For Freedom is a new non-profit association of concerned citizens whose mission is to foster awareness on the MS Gulf Coast of the pervasive and growing problem of human trafficking.

Sponsored by the Gulf Coast Women's Center for Nonviolence and Coast Community Connect.

Added by Coast Connect on July 28, 2010