1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Program will feature dinner, music, film (see film info below), and panel discussion with human rights, legal and torture survivor experts. The goal of this event is to generate support for Berkeley's Cleared Guantanamo Detainee Resolution.

Background: January 2011 marks the 10th year Guantanamo Prison has held innocent detainees, some of whom have been tortured, who have been completely cleared by the Bush Administration, but who can't return to their home countries because it's unsafe and no other countries have agreed to take them. Berkeley's City Council has been asked to pass a resolution asking Congress to remove the barriers to resettling cleared Guantanamo detainees in the United States, and to invite one or two cleared detainees to settle in Berkeley. Similar resolutions were passed by Amherst and Leverett, Massachusetts in 2009; Berkeley will be the first city in California and the third in the nation to pass such a resolution. Come hear about the Resolution and ‘meet’ some possible detainees for Berkeley.

Films include ‘Ending U.S.-Sponsored Torture Forever’ by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture; excerpts from ‘Reckoning With Torture’ made for Berkeley Says No To Torture Week and ACLU; and ‘Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo’, by Andy Worthington.

Co-Sponsored by Codepink Golden Gate Chapter and BFUU's Social Justice Committee
$15 suggested donation includes dinner and program. No one turned away. Wheelchair access


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Added by benburch666 on November 26, 2010

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