Golden Gate Audubon's February featured speaker is John Seager.
In the wake of the world's population reaching seven billion, John Seager will share his insights on the causes of rapid population growth, its impacts on wildlife, and our options to deal with this challenge. Population Connection ( is the national grassroots organization that educates young people and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level that can be sustained by the Earth's resources. The organization focuses on achieving global population stabilization through universal awareness and access to voluntary family planning together with the full empowerment of women.
John Seager, president and CEO of Population Connection, joined the organization in 1996. He previously served in the Environmental Protection Agency during the Clinton administration and was chief of staff for former U.S. Representative Peter H. Kostmayer (D-PA), a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs and Interior committees. A graduate of Trinity College with a B.A. in political science, John travels throughout the country making presentations on global population growth. His many articles on population address such topics as the links to poverty and the concern about population decline in some highly developed nations.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 25, 2012