Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York 12223

Renowned fiddle champion and Nashville legend Mark O'Connor has won virtually every award imaginable while embracing a mind-boggling variety of musical styles. A true phenomenon, he has made over 500 recordings, playing with everyone from James Taylor to Yo-Yo Ma. Clarinetist Don Byron, Down Beat's "Jazz Artist of the Year" redefines every genre of music he plays, from funk and salsa to classical and klezmer, and any jazz style from swing and bop to cutting-edge improvisation. Roumain's performing skills extend beyond the piano to voice, guitar, bass, percussion instruments, flute, viola, and both electric and acoustic violin, his principal instrument. Roumain deftly switches from playing solo Bach piano works to singing pop songs to performing guitar with his funk band, DBR's Mission.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 19, 2008

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