San Francisco
San Francisco, California

Whereas HTML4 offered a means of structuring documents and text
for online browsing, HTML5 represents a huge advance in web
development and significant changes for the web programmer. HTML5
incorporates an impressive set of web technologies and web
programming techniques, which have been evolving in tandem for
over a decade. The skilled developer can use HTML5 to integrate
video, interactivity, and short programs, or "scripts," to be
written directly into the documents, which contain the website's
content, diminishing the critical nature of proprietary
technologies, like Flash or Microsoft Silverlight, for viewing
web content. Our HTML5 training in San Francisco covers the
significant changes HTML5 brings to the world of web programming,
and will prepare you to code, debug and publish web content using
HTML5. Further, this training explores the sometimes tricky
process of converting images, audio, and video into formats,
which can now be coded directly into a webpage. Upon completing
this training, you will be able to:

* Gain an understanding of HTML5's powerful new capabilities
and learn which are supported by the major web browsers.
* See how HTML5 is implemented for iPhone and iPad devices.
* Render images within a "drawable" area of the web page
using the canvas tag.
* Learn when to create Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as
opposed to using the HTML5 canvas element.
* Use MathML to insert mathematical expressions, which are
readable and can be processed by mathematical software applications.
* Use the new set of form field controls to create
professional-looking web forms quickly.
* Allow users to play audio and video files without
third-party applications or plugins.
* Build rich Internet applications (RIA) with inline document
editing, offline storage to work with or without connectivity and
drag and drop functionality.
* Automatically generate webpages customized to the user with
HTML5 Cross-Document Messaging.
* Locate the site visitor geographically in order to serve
the most meaningful information and services.
* Use Server-Sent events and Web Sockets to instantly provide
users with real-time information.
* Utilize Web Workers to run complex tasks in the background
while allowing the user to continue viewing the website.

Official Website:

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 12, 2011