Why tap limited time, travel and training resources with distant conferences, when a national leader in HR development is right here? Top educators, renowned presenters and accomplished, leading-edge practitioners--HR West brings them all to you.
--Inspirational Keynotes:
Tamsin Smith, president, (RED), public policy strategist and government affairs expert, discusses the (RED) business model, and how corporate responsibility changes attitudes in the workplace and around the world.
Oren Harari, leading professor at USF, author, and one of 40 "best management minds" in the world, discusses perpetually differentiating your company in today's chaotic marketplace.
Chip Conley, founder, Joie de Vivre Hospitality and bestselling author of PEAK: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo From Maslow (first 100 registrants get a FREE copy), presents his secret to creating PEAK experiences while building a profitable business.
--HR University *
Tuesday, September 16
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Participate in HR University, a full-day of intense, unparalleled learning specifically for senior-level practitioners. Led by Cristina Goggio Banks, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, this unique opportunity is limited to 50.
* Separate registration required
--Pre-Conference Event *
Successful HR Systems Selection
Sunday, September 14
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Offered in partnership with the International Association for Human Resource Information Management, this full day event provides necessary tools for making an intelligent decision around HR systems selection.
Speaker: Jan Fretwell, Beachside Consulting, has over 25 years of human resources and related system applications experience.
* Separate registration required
--Over 50 concurrent sessions!
$345 and up. Visit http://www.nchra.org/annualconference for pricing details.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on June 11, 2008