California Salaries and Wage Issues
California wage laws can present employers with challenging questions such as Can I offer my employees comp time in lieu of overtime? and Can I with hold money from an employees final paycheck if they did not return their uniform? Attend this workshop and learn how to avoid employee disputes and compliance pitfalls.
Topics to be discussed include:
Breaks and lunch period
Items listed on paycheck stubs
Employee withholdings and deductions
Incentives and bonuses
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt
Organized by Professional Consultant Services, Inc.A Professional Consultancy Services firm.>
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Human Resources >
Providing a range of services tailored to your companys needs and budget. >
Dial: 866-413-4103 for more information
Ticket Info: Participant, $30.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/282058645/upcoming