Organizational success requires hiring the right talent and terminating poor performers within the context and requirements of California and federal law. From equal opportunity laws to solicitation and non-comp agreements, you'll gain skills necessary to:
*Ensure that your forms and agreements related to hiring and terminations meet the latest legal requirements
*Reduce risks of wrongful termination claims through solid performance management practices
*Manage employee whistleblower situations
*Avoid legal landmines in hiring, such as "smoking gun" interview comments
*Identify common mistakes managers make that lead to lawsuits, and best practice alternatives to avoid such mistakes
Ray Hixson and Brian Nagatani are co-founders and partners of Hixson Nagatani LLP, a law firm in Santa Clara, California that advises and represents businesses in labor and employment matters. They have advised and represented hundreds of employers across the state of California in a wide range of employment law matters, and focus on working with clients in various high technology industries. Ray and Brian frequently conduct employment law courses for managers, HR professionals, and attorneys.
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Added by FullCalendar on September 24, 2010