July 23, 25, 30 August 1 & 6; 6:30pm-8:00pm each day
7.5 California/General Recertification Credits
New to Human Resources? Looking for essential California-specific knowledge? Exclusive NCHRA offering specifically geared to the needs of the new California HR practitioner covers the basics of employment law, hiring, compensation, benefits & occupational safety/workers compensation from the unique California perspective. Gain critical knowledge & skills necessary to practice HR in the complex state of California.
This eProgram Series meets in five, 90-minute online sessions -- Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm PST
July 23 - Introduction and Overview
Introduction to course material, webinar platform discussion, & participant introductions.
July 25 - Which laws apply in California
Discover applicable California laws and regulations by employer size and industry, & their impact on independent contractor or employee status.
July 30 - Hiring practices
Learn legally-compliant recruiting, testing, interviewing, & selection procedures, including effective record-keeping techniques. Outline I-9 procedures & California requirements.
August 1 - California wage and hour laws
Examine California's Wage Orders & regulatory requirements relative to wage payments, work hours, overtime, meal & rest breaks, special pay requirements, & enforcement and penalties.
August 6 - Exempt and non-exempt distinctions
Identify the legal difference between non-exempt & exempt job status; requirements for exempt job classifications; partial day absences for exempt employees; and find out how to write legally effective job descriptions.
About the Presenter
Bill Kelly, SPHR- CA, is a Principal and HR Consultant for Kelly HR. His extensive HR experience includes staffing, compliance, compensation & benefits, training, safety, & government contract management. His past & present professional leadership activities include serving on the Board of Directors for SHRM, HRCI, NCHRA, & Marin County Personnel Commission.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on July 16, 2012