Interested in investing in real estate? Learn how to get a Business Structure which will be used to enable you to purchase discounted investment properties that have positive cash flow.
The business structure will include all of the following:
- Entity planning (a seasoned LLC or Corp)
- Credit planning ($1,000,000 LOC to be used ONLY for real estate purchases that qualify by the company's standards plus credit repair if necessary)
- Mortgage planning (put the lazy, idle dollars trapped in your home(s) to work and reduce your monthly payments to increase cash flow)
- Tax reduction planning (it's not how much you make that matters, its how much you get to keep so let's get you into a legal 0% tax bracket!)
- Financial planning ( live within your means, put at least 1/2 of this new income stream into an indexed UL plan that will cover the additional debt with death insurance and allow clients to retire with a substantial tax free income)
- Come learn how to get a business line of credit to buy any piece of real estate that you want. Also, discover how you can avoid paying taxes on your monthly cash flow and never pay capital gains tax again, without doing any exchanges!
Also at this meeting...
Learn about our Exclusive Investor Program
- Premier Master Community in Ahwatukee
- High-End Luxury Condos
- Rents, Taxes, HOA, and Property Management included
- No tenant hassles!!
- Developer will contribute 2% to closing costs when their preferred lender is used.
What one customer recently said about the program:
"This is as close as you can come to a blue chip stock in the investment equity industry."
Investor Incentives
- Rent Check deposited directly into your account on the first of the month, whether the unit is rented or not.
- HOA is prepaid for two years
- Monthly Property Management fee is prepaid for two years
- Real Estate taxes are prepaid for two years
Planned community amenities include: two pools, spa, outdoor sand volleyball court, club house, media room, lake views, community shopping centers, and a 24 hour business center.
Well above average median income.
Area employers include Intel, Honeywell, Verizon, Motorola, Boeing, and Google.
Register online for FREE admission. Door price is $25.
February 7th in Pleasanton, CA
5115 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, California 94588
Official Website:
Added by nreiclub on January 29, 2007