Berdan Ave.
Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410

Children don’t come with instruction manuals...until now. Find out how to get the most out of your kids with effective discipline strategies that promote firmness, yet maintain love and ego building. Dr. Kevin Brennan is a licensed clinical psychologist and parenting specialist with offices in Glen Rock, NJ. These parenting strategies will be applicable to children of all ages. The workshop will have an interactive instructional period followed by a HEAVY question and answer time to make sure you know what you need to for your family. If you feel stumped as a parent, or you want to commit to growing the best kids you can, this is the workshop for you. One session, September 20th.

For more info, contact
Registration info -

Fair Lawn High School
14-00 Berdan Avenue
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Room A111

Added by NJYP_Hanna on September 12, 2012

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