1209 South Main Street
Grapevine, Texas 76051

Get full event details at : http://bsbi062210.eventsbot.com

Attend Blue Star Business Institute's Boot Camp!
Join national speaker and business guru Dan Vega along with Blue Star Business Institute and boost your creativity, productivity and skill, and discover how to truly utilize some of the most powerful tools in business. Dan's boot camp will teach you the hottest tips, tricks and essential techniques to supercharge your skills and maximize your talents! If you have been looking for ways to improve marketing, manage time more efficiently or just get motivated this boot camp is for you. We believe education and helping your community go hand-in-hand, and are the foundation for successful business and an abundant life.
Curriculum includes:
How to borrow money
How to use debt to your advantage
How to double your sales
How to structure your company properly
Why most companies fail and how to avoid it
Low cost marketing strategies that work
How to properly build value in any product or service
Plus much more!
Our program is not designed to be a motivational fix; we see that many people have motivation (ie, just taking steps to learn about our institute shows motivation). Motivation is not the problem. Motivation is different from a motive for action. For instance, if someone claims they want to lose weight and get in shape they might be motivated enough to buy self help books, spend money on expensive treatments, purchase treadmills or even join a gym. Yet each day they seem to be motivated to eat things that cause them to gain weight. The ultimate question is why?

Register for this event now at http://bsbi062210.eventsbot.com

Official Website: http://bsbi062210.eventsbot.com

Added by eventsbot.com on June 16, 2010