15-17 Middle Street
Brighton, England BN1 1AL

An intensive “film school in a day” on writing, directing, producing, shooting & selling your first film – either short or low budget feature.

This one-day workshop gives you the essentials of no-to-low budget film-making.

Covers everything from coming up with a hot idea, writing the script, producing, securing finance, finding cast, crew and locations, directing actors, shooting low-budget, post-production, marketing, film festivals and selling your finished film! Includes full set of hand-outs.

The workshop is run by Toni Harman & Alex Wakeford, the writer / director / producer team behind CREDO, a low budget feature that has sold internationally and been released by Lionsgate in the US.

Toni & Alex have also written, directed and produced a string of successful short films that have won awards at international film festivals and been sold and broadcast in over 40 countries worldwide.

Sun 31st January (10am-5pm).

Brighton Media Centre Film Studio, 15-17 Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL.

Cost £100 (or £90 for students or members of recognised organisations).

For more info please email info@altofilms.com


10am -12.30pm Discussion and exercises on:

Thinking cinema and the “big picture”.
Coming up with a hot concept
The essentials of script-writing – character, genre, setting, narrative arc, structure, theme, format etc
How much money does your film need and where to find it!
UK Producers Tax Credit, Screen Agencies and other finance sources.
Choosing the right format – what to shoot on and why
Finding locations
Getting the right crew
Securing Cast
The legals & other paperwork
What needs to be done in pre-production and who does what, when & how!
Division of labour: the changing roles of the producer and director

1.15-5.00 Discussion and exercises on:

How to direct & shoot in a low-budget style
Working with actors
Directing actors on set
Directing crew
Where to put the camera
The shots you absolutely need to get!!
Post-production: Getting to picture lock and beyond
Sound design and music
Finishing the Film!
The evil of deliverables
Getting the right film festival strategy
Marketing & PR – including trailers, one-sheets, posters & web-site
Finding a sales agent
Securing distribution & making sales
Celebrating making and selling your first film!

To book, visit: www.brightonfilmworkshops.co.uk

Official Website: http://www.brightonfilmworkshops.co.uk

Added by Brighton Film Workshops on November 28, 2009