Dreams are communications between your conscious and subconscious mind or from divine sources, while you sleep. This communications use your entire life experiences to impart knowledge and creative ideas, promote healing and problem solutions, reveal talents and opportunities, expose enemies and dangers, and prophesize the future. This exciting and interactive course teaches you how to interpret what your dreams tell you. Bring two brief dreams to use during the course. Pre-registration required. Limit: 20 people. Materials supplied. Contact Darlene Pitts at 770.434.5240 to reserve a seat.
You'll learn how to:
• Identify dream types, themes, and archetypes
• Recall dreams upon awakening
• Apply interpretation and control techniques
• Unlock hidden meanings in dream symbols
• Create a journal to record and track dreams
Official Website: http://www.inspirationandintuition.com/courses.htm
Added by dpitts11 on February 24, 2009