The Washtenaw Community College - Student Enterprise Zone is pleased to present a FREE workshop featuring three international experts on How to Innovate for Business Success.
Cost: FREE
Learn how to:
* Turn your idea into real-world business opportunity
* Reveal target customers real needs and how to deliver it
* Solve the "unsolvable" problems preventing your business from achieving success
* and growth
* Dramatically reduce costs and effort of competing and increase your profitability
1. Introduction
2. David Verduyn: Understanding your Customers and Systematic approaches to Innovation
3. Mark Frazier: Turn Your Customers into the Most Powerful Sales Force
4. Len Kaplan: How to Turn Your Idea into a Real Business Opportunity
5. Short Break
6. Experiential workshop: turning the business idea into the business opportunity
7. Q&A, concluding remarks
8. Networking
More Information:
Cheryl Davisson Gracie
Washtenaw Community College, Faculty Advisor to the Entrepreneurship Certificate Program
Phone: 734-973-3481
Official Website:
Added by solvtech on October 12, 2007