Fern Barrow, Talbot Campus
Bournemouth, England BH12 5BB

History has shown that some businesses are always ready to take advantage of market conditions.

As a result they can achieve amazing growth, regardless of the economic climate. Will you be one of them? As the credit crunch continues to bite, we invite businesse owners in Dorset to a seminar focussed on helping you boom where others are going bust.

IF you are serious about growing your business and would like to discover how to do this whatever the market conditions, this seminar is for you.

Delivered by renowned public speaker, Peter Czapp, it is jam-packed full of new ideas and inspiration to help take your business forward to the next level.

To book please telephone 0845 0707 747or email matthew.butcher@businesslinkwessex.co.uk

Official Website: http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/SouthWestRDA_files/Booking_Forms_NA/Dorset__How_to_Grow_Your_Business.pdf

Added by Business Link SW on February 6, 2009

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