14 powerful techniques for making your audiences say “Wow!”
A PowerPoint presentation is only as good as the person who’s doing the presentation. But you don’t need to be a PowerPoint genius to learn the techniques that will make you stand out.
First, we’ll start with the basics of creating a PowerPoint presentation. Some of this will seem boring at first, but along the way we will begin to introduce some unusual techniques for making your presentation come to life.
Too often it is the seemingly insignificant little features that turn a dull, lifeless script into a true work of art, and our goal is to help you understand the vast potential of this amazing tool.
PowerPoint can be used to report progress in a meeting, define key elements in a training session, pitch a marketing plan, or organize ideas in a student report. Other areas we’ll touch on include customized timings and effects for animations, how to create master slides, design templates, automate slide shows with timing, and how to prepare presentations for viewing on another computer and to move or copy slides between presentations.
Our goal for this class is to closely match the content of this class with the needs of those who are attending.
What You Will Learn
Create, edit, and format a simple slide show presentation.
14 powerful techniques for making your audiences say “Wow!”
How to work with views: slide, slide show, slide sorter, outline, and speaker notes.
Save, print, and open presentations.
Who Should Attend
General public, public speakers, trainers, educators
Additional Requirements
Laptop computers required with MS PowerPoint
Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/482/how-to-energize-your-powerpoint-presentations-tuesday-september-28-2010
Added by DaVinci Institute Events on September 9, 2010