2250 Garcia Ave.
Mountain View, California 04043


How to Develop & Manage a Market Driven Product Management Process

Key takeaways:

* Some of the major reasons why products fail
* A model for market-driven product management
* How to visualize product management data to make better decisions
* Techniques to help you prioritize requirements
* Case examples: How these techniques have helped Telelogic and other market-leading companies to deliver more successful products

About Our Speaker

Brian James, Vice President of Product Marketing, Telelogic

Brian leads creation of customer facing marketing messages, marketing campaigns and field enablement programs at Telelogic. Telelogic is a leading global provider of solutions for automating and supporting best practices across the enterprise - from powerful modeling of business processes and enterprise architectures to requirements-driven development of advanced systems and software. He was previously responsible for the global marketing of Mercury's IT Governance Center.

Brian has a Masters of Business Administration degree from Kellogg, a Masters in Manufacturing from Northwestern University, and a bachelor's in Industrial and Operations engineering from the University of Michigan.

Member/Non-member/Door: $25/$35/$5 more at the door.

Website: http://www.norcalpdma.org/program/index.html
Email: programs@norcalpdma.org
Phone: 650-380-2627

Official Website: http://www.norcalpdma.org/program/index.html%20

Added by FullCalendar on June 1, 2006



The address is 2550 Garcia, not 2250.