700 North Westshore Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33609

The Tampa Society of Financial Service Professionals is presenting a one-hour educational opportunity for members and guests on Tuesday, November 9th at 8 AM at the Wyndham Westshore, 700 N. Westshore Blvd.

The program entitled, How to Avoid Litigation focuses on fiduciary responsibility of the professional advisor. For more information visit, http://sfsp.net/main-pub.cfm?chapterdir=Tampa

Insurance professionals, CPAs, attorneys and business owners are among those who will benefit by attending. The speaker, R. Michael DeLoach, Esq. is board certified by the Florida Bar as a specialist in the areas of civil trial and construction law and is also certified by the Florida Supreme Court as a Circuit and County Court Mediator. R.S.V.P. at sfsptampa@aol.com or call 813-243-1015.

Added by terimorrow on November 2, 2010

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