136 SW Washington Ave.
Corvallis, Oregon 97333

RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT] corvallis.sao.or.us

$5 for SAO members or students, $15 non-members
Includes finger food and no-host bar

5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar
6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!)
7:00 Program: How the Stimulus Package Will Affect High Tech in Oregon - Harvey Mathews, SAO President


In 2007, software publishing accounted for 15% of Oregon's high-tech employment or 9,100 jobs. In 2007 software publishing had the highest annual average wage of the any high-tech sector job at $89,910. The Oregon Employment Department forecasts software publishing to grow at a rate of 22% from 2006 to 2016. Software is one of the key drivers of Oregon job creation both directly & indirectly though a 1.3x multiplier effect, meaning that for every 10 software jobs, 13 non-software jobs are created.

We have hundreds of world-class software companies with technologies that can fulfill the mandates of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in the following areas:

* energy efficiency
* workforce training
* Smart Grid development
* telecommunications infrastructure
* government efficiency
* education technology
* rural internet access
* clean technology
* plug in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) software
* healthcare information technology
* electronic medical records
* transportation-efficiency software
* digital security systems
* any custom software development needed for the other mandates described in the plan.

If Oregon software companies can win the contracts for stimulus-related work, the state will have a much faster recovery due to the economic multiplier effect on other jobs in the community. In a state that depends almost exclusively on the income tax for its General Fund revenues, jobs are the key metric.

Harvey Mathews, President of the Software Association of Oregon (http://www.sao.org/)


Tech Brew Pubs are a monthly event organized by the Software Association of Oregon, Corvallis Chapter (www.sao.corvallis.or.us). To join our Email Announcement List: TO ADD or REMOVE yourself from the sao-corvallis@googlegroups.com mailing list, please go to http://groups.google.com/group/sao-corvallis. This list is used to send chapter announcements and NON-commercial items of general chapter interest to local SAO members and others interested in the chapter.

We encourage you to join and support the Software Association of Oregon (www.sao.org). The state SAO office sends out a newsletter and a monthly calendar. If you are interested in receiving these please sign up here http://www.sao.org/Resource_Center/email_list_signup.php

Official Website: http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/137

Added by JasPro on February 27, 2009

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