Do you have a soul mate or many? What is a twin flame? How do you create a Divine Partner for yourself? Why is a balanced masculine/feminine heart & self love so important? What is a soul family & do you have one? What relationship in your life is most important & why?
Class description- What do Jesus & Mary Magdalene have to do with these topics? Do you carry their DNA? What are the differences in a soul mate relationship from a twin flame relationship? How can you attract a healthy, love relationship? Why is self love first on your list of priorities? What part does your soul family play in your life? How do certain people end up in your experience? How can the person causing you the most pain possibly be your best friend?
Class taught by: Judy Cali, Healer, Reader, Channeler has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters & Angels since 3 years of age. She was asked by The Ascended Master of Healing, Hilarion, to go public 8 years ago. She receives a whole picture of you thru seeing, feeling, hearing & knowing about your soul. Her intuitive readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life. All is in alignment with your highest wisdom & highest good. She is able to share with you who your Guardian Angels & Guides are, talk to your family in spirit & share with you past life details most relavent to your current life. Judy's messages are always delivered thru a Sacred Heart of Love. My website with testimonials is
Official Website:
Added by Dr.Debrasavitt on January 8, 2009